Welcome to our Artist In Residence program, where we champion the incredible talent of local creatives in the Atlanta area.

At ECB Studio, we believe in the power of the arts to uplift and inspire our community. That's why we've created this exclusive yet attainable opportunity for artists to flourish and showcase their work.

What The Program Is

Our Artist In Residence Program provides one local creative with two days of access to our production studio to complete a project that is personal in nature. The selected creative has full access to our equipment, backdrops, and props and will receive a spotlight on our social channels to help expand their audience.

Why We Do It

As creatives, it's always been crucial for us to find ways to empower our community. We understand the stress and anxiety that creatives experience when strategizing how to bring their passion projects and ideas to life. We find happiness in creating a support network for creatives and aligning ourselves with community-first businesses.

Our Commitment

The ECB Studio Artist In Residence program is committed to fostering community and supporting local talent in Atlanta's thriving creative scene.

By offering access to our local production studio, equipment, and other resources, we aim to remove barriers for emerging artists and provide them with a platform to share their work with a broader audience.

Artist In Residence

Build something you're passionate about and be a part of something big.

Who should apply?

Anyone based in Atlanta. We accept resident pitches from ages 18 and up. That means it's totally fine if you're a college student as well.

What kind of ideas are accepted?

All ideas are welcome as long as they are personal in nature. Could be in a short film, product shoot, music related, whatever — as long as it can be created in two days.

How it works

  • Artists must submit a pitch for one photo or video project with a clear objective that can be completed in two shoot days at the studio.

  • Artists must have access to their own camera/recording equipment.

  • Artists must provide permission for ECB Studio to share the finished project. Artists retain full ownership of the work.

  • The project must be personal in nature and not made for a client.

  • Artists must be based in Atlanta and over the age of 18.

What to expect

  • Two full shoot days at our content studio in Midtown, Atlanta to work on your project.

  • Full access to available equipment, props, and backdrops in the space.

  • A spotlight on our social channels and newsletter to share the finished product.

  • Access to your ECB Studio Art In Residency Program BTS assets (final and cleared for release assets only)

Our first season awaits.

Bring your ideas to life!